Is Anyone Not Going To Families After The Holidays Cuz Their House Is Adapted For Their Needs Especially In The Bathroom.
I have significant Parkinson's disease I. I'm between a walker and a wheelchair I told his house is very small there's no other option to have it at her house because we will s*** and mutual grandchildren. I told my husband to go and I'll be fine home he wants me to go in pain and he says at least I'll be happy to see the kids in pain and I can't lay back if I need to. I just feel more able to stay home and comfortable my own surroundings the holidays is the day they can make any day in my mind… read more
It sounds like you're facing a challenging situation with the holidays and your Parkinson's disease. Here are some suggestions to help you navigate this:
1. Communicate Your Needs: Clearly express to your family how Parkinson's affects your ability to travel and participate in gatherings. Use "I" statements to avoid making Show Full Answer
Self care DESPITE the ignorance
Yes I agree with you. My advantage is they live 15 minutes away and agree to a maximum of a three hour visit. What keeps me visiting is a limit of 1 every month and a comfortable chair when I am there. They in return agree to my setting the length of visit. My son-in-law died last year and the children are 13 and 15.
It’s not easy. My bathrooms are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of my house. While I have no problems yet, I expect that that will change at some point and we’ll be looking to relocate.
Family affairs and holidays were always celebrated here. However, my son-in-law’s mother also has Parkinson’s, more advanced than mine, and can no longer climb the stairs. All celebrations have been moved to my daughter’s home.
Through The Opposite Window. Any Nice Experiences With People PD Related.
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