I Am Hoping To Get Insight From Anyone Who Is Familiar With The Meds Below And If So What Physical Reactions You Experienced In Taking Them
I am 74, diagnosed by DatScan in Nov. 2021. I also have a history of depression. For my Parkinson's I take 1/2 does of Carbidopa-Levodopa 25-100 MG, smallest does prescribed. For depression I take Venlafaxine, Ritalin, Mirtazapine, clonazepam and Fludrocortisone for blood pressure. Have Ortostatic-hypertension, which causes dizzyness. I take 16 pills a day at 4 different times, the remaining pills being vitamins for bone density, taken at bedtime. With so many pills to take I do have a… read more
It appears that you’re ever seen necessary to ensure proper medication management. Good for you in taking the initiative to make sure that the amount of medication is being monitored and used appropriately.
Appreciate your response John. I do have a Neurologist and he is the Head of Movement Disorder at Rush in Chicago. Also part of Michael J. Fox Foundation. I also see a psychiatrist at Rush to monitor my prescriptions as well as a primary doctor who is qualified in medications. The hard part is while I take Sinemet (smallest dosage recommended) for Parkinson’s, the other medications all have their own side effects which is damping my mood, which at times can be very frustrating and limits activities I can do. I guess acceptance of Parkinson’s is more difficult especially with depression coupled with it. Thanks again John for your response!
You might think about finding a movement disorder neurologist as they have an additional two year training in movement disorders. I say this because I looked into the training of a neurologist to treat Parkinson’s and it is typically minimal. You might want to Google the training that a neurologist receives in treating Parkinson’s just to put your mind at ease and making a decision.Are your two doctors coordinating the prescription of your medication?
I take many of the same medications you do, i.e., Venlafaxine, mirtazapine, clonazepam. I also take Vitamin B6 and just found out that it obstructs the absorption of carpidopa/levodopa drugs. Unfortunately, it is a small window for all the different medication that we take, that there aren't more problems with side effect’s.
Dale- appreciate your response to my post. I do go into Doctors office when I have an appointment with list of questions, including blood pressure readings and any side effects I notice. Side effects may take a little while to recognize and gets frustrating trying to explain them to doctors. They say I am doing everything right- I just don’t feel any better and get impatient. Thanks again for input.
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Can Anyone Who Is Familiar With The Meds. Below Or Take Them, Give Me Any Reactions Physically They May Have Experienced In Taking Them.