Does Anyone Deal With Excessive Tiredness? I Am Tired Of Being Tired!
I often grapple with whether my exhaustion is from pd or old age. It hard to pinpoint many of the physical/ emotional symptoms to one culprit.
Hi Barbara. I am starting to have more fatigue. Because sleep has been an issue for a long time, I have been blaming that. So, perhaps it is a combination. Today I could hardly go and had a doctor’s appointment along with errands to run with my Care person. She only comes Tues and Thur for 4 hrs each day. I can’t get as much done as I once did. I have bad osteoarthritis which does not help. When I was exercising daily, except weekends, I felt so much better. However, I broke my hip the last day of Feb and althought I have been moving a lot since then, I have not been exercising. I have a neighbor with PD. He is in an exercising class Mon thru Fri. While his tremors are worse than mine, he is not near as tired as I have been. I truly believe exercise is the answer to getting better. Not sure I will ever get back, the leg my hip replacement is on is just not healing as fast as I had hope. I think that fall set me back. Hang in there, which is all we can do, and stay in touch. Bless you, Beth
Thanks so much for the hugs guys. So thoughtful.
I go to the gym about 3 times a week but don't do half of what I did 5 years ago. Low energy.
Fatigue is a common and often debilitating symptom of Parkinson’s disease. It can manifest as both physical and mental exhaustion, making it difficult to move or concentrate. Here are some insights from others dealing with Parkinson’s fatigue:
- Physical Exhaustion: Feeling completely run-down and without energy, making Show Full Answer
Too Tired To Eat
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