I Have Recently Been Diagnosed With Early Onset Parkinson's. Can I Travel By Plane From NY To Fl
I agree that you let the airline know your condition and that you need to sit in comfort seating close to the front of the plane. They will put it in your records. I have balance issues and have to have a wheelchair to the plane, I use a foldable cane and I also bring my rolater
when I travel that they will put on the plane in the closet since Delta ruined 2 rolators that they checked at the door in baggage.
Good luck!
I suggest, if you are alone, just let the airlines know, and they are GREAT about watching out for you.
Newly diagnosed with young Onset PD, you may be fine travelling. I feel more confident and safl traveling with a partner.
Traveling by plane with early-onset Parkinson's disease is generally possible, but it requires some planning to ensure comfort and safety. Here are some tips:
- Consult Your Doctor: Before traveling, discuss your plans with your healthcare provider to ensure it's safe for you
- Medication Management: Carry your Show Full Answer
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