Is Progression Through Stages 4-5 Inevitable?Do Persons Have Reversal Of Stages Instead Of Progression
It is possible to reverse symptoms in the early stage of Parkinson’s. one of the symptoms of PD is exhaustion. I gave in to this exhaustion. PD took over and it wasn’t long before my muscles turned to Jello. I couldn’t get out of bed withoout help. I couldn’t get up from a seated position, and many other stage four symptoms.
One of my PD medical team recommended Rock Steady Boxing. It wasn’t long before I had returned to my stage ine condition.
If I hadn’t have snapped out of my funk, those symptoms may have become permanent, and I would have given away a lot of good years.
If PRogressiONIS INEVITABLE and I have to go thru hell,what is the big thing and you are climbing a steep wall .Sorry to be pessemiastic but how canI be optimistic.?
Progression through the stages of Parkinson's disease is generally inevitable, as it is a progressive neurological movement disorder. Here are some key points from my knowledge base:
- Stages 4-5: These are the advanced stages where symptoms become more severe, and daily activities require significant assistance
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What Is "mild Parkinson's"? A Diagnosis, Or A Phase A PD Person Is Going Through That Will Change (worsen) W/time?
I Am Reading Posts Mentioning Mild Or Moderate Parkinson’s. I Was Diagnosed In 2018 And I’ve Seen 4 Neurologists And Not Heard These Terms.
What Are The Stages Of This And How Fast Does It Progress