My Husband Frequently...more And More Often...complains Of Headaches Usually In The Morning. They Are Odd In The Location.
Usually in back or top of head, sometimes on one or both sides. Anyone else have this? Typical of PD?
Headaches are not specifically mentioned in my knowledge base as a common symptom of Parkinson's disease. However, Parkinson's can cause various types of pain, including:
- Sciatic Pain: Pain in the lower back and legs
- Neck and Shoulder Pain: Pain in the nerves running through these areas.
- Burning Pain: Sensations in Show Full Answer
I would ask his GP. They could be cluster headaches.
Are You Honest?
Tired After 3 P.m.
Y Husband's Always Lying Down In Btween Doing A Few Things. He Complains About His Back.