My Husband Was Just Prescribed Crexont. Anyone Else Take It? Any Comments About It?
I started on it this morning. So far so good. I said I'd never stop posting with groups like Patients Like Me etc but life happens. My typing efficiency is significantly reduced and I have to be caregiver for my caregiver (husband).
Briefly I;ve had mobility problems since 2004 (age 46), diag 2005. Up until about 2 years ago I was doing ok - walking short distances, biking, swimming, boxing, land and water aerobics. but these are slowly getting more difficult. I've traveled extensively including three World Parkinson Congresses. My routine before today was 8 Sinemet (1 every 3 hours), 1Azilect,, 2 .25 Requio, 2 100mg Amaantadine and 1 25ng Ongentsys. Over the past two months I weaned off the Requip and Azilect. and the plan is 2 35/140 every 6 hours plus the AmANTADINE AND Ongentsys AND FROM A DIFFErent doctor Lycria 3x a day
Crexont, a combination of carbidopa and levodopa, is used to treat Parkinson's disease. Here are some key points:
- Dosage: Typically starts with lower doses taken twice daily for the first three days, then gradually increased
- Administration: Taken orally as extended-release capsules, with or without food. Do not chew, Show Full Answer
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