I’m Having Really Bad Anxiety. I Know It Is Part And Parcel Of PD. What Do You Do To Get Rid Of This?
I wake up with terrible anxiety every morning. So….I listen to a “clean” comedy station on Sirius Radio, walk to bouncy music, uplifting podcasts on my phone, work outside in my yard, MOVE, even if you don’t feel like it. Timer on my phone to move every hour.
I have found that listening to music helps me as well as exercise.
When mine gets worse over time, I have some Xanax I can take. The Dr keeps close tabs on these. She suggested that I should write down when I took it and why. I only get 10 pills at a time. If I don't get sleep, my thoughts are ruined. I try to plow on through anyway.
I started having anxiety attacks around 8:00pm every night. At first I just had a glass of wine. That helped but I really didn't want to be dependent on wine for my solution. I have experimented with changing my medication timing with some positive help. I have also tried taking CBD oil for some help.
So far I haven't found a total solution but I am now very mindful about the beginning of an anxiety episode. That is helpful because just recognizing the onset of the feelings help me cope. Right now I feel more in control and it is less of a problem.
Anxiety comes and goes. Have a group that is willing pray for you and your anxiety. As my Dr says God is still in the miracle business give Him a chance to help you.
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