Is There Any Medication That Will Help With Foot Cramping Or Contractions Where My Toes Want To Curl Under All The Time?
Botox shots help some…
For cramping use Theraworks foam, (on Amazing)
Also Magnesium will help some!
Foot cramping or contractions where toes curl under can be a symptom of dystonia in Parkinson's disease. Here are some potential treatments:
- Medications: Amantadine (Gocovri) has been noted to help with pain and muscle cramping
- Physical Therapy: Regular exercises and stretches recommended by a physical therapist can Show Full Answer
I Recently Have Developed A New PD Symptom. On Both Feet My Toes Are Arching & Curling Under. It Is Painful, & Usually Happens At Night. 🤦
Has Anyone Experienced Pain In Toes?
Do Your Toes Spread Out?