My Husband Is Having A Problem After Getting Into Bed Where He Is Unable To Push Himself Backwards Into A Sitting Position. What Can We Do?
Silk or satin is a good way to end up on the floor. Exercise can help improve strength, which will help him to get into a sitting position.
Exercise works for me! You got to keep moving and not stay in bed, which is to easy when in pain!👍 I wanted to add that I got a hospital bed which has small rails on each side of the bed for I can grasp to get up and a remote control to position my head, body and feet, to add comfort.
When watching TV I stand up and march in place holding walker handles or use cane to push up. ( mostly during commercials)!😉
My husband uses a trapeze over his bed. Uses it to pull himself up, in and out of bed since I can't. Very effective arm exercise.
If your husband is having trouble pushing himself backwards into a sitting position after getting into bed, consider the following tips:
- Use Silk or Satin Sheets and Pajamas: These materials can make it easier to move in bed due to their smooth texture
- Sleep Hygiene: Establish a consistent bedtime routine to improve Show Full Answer
Thank you
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