What Are Some Symptoms That You Have That Are NOT Listed As Symptoms Of Parkinson's But You Feel That It Might Be.
Let me go first--1) Seeing double - especially when I am typing and eating
2) the center of my left hand has a weird type of nerve pain when I push against it.
You got us beat Susan I can sleep for 30 minutes before I go to my castle
I think the double vision one _IS_ a recognised symptom; the disease can affect ANY muscle, including ones that control the focus of the eye.
I'm a martyr to the "restless legs" (feels like pins and needles-ish) and rigidity, which is awful because it means I never properly relax.
Pd symptoms are weird I have different symptoms all the time they go away and come back
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member OMG YES! It's almost like being a ghost sometimes...my friends will use a touch screen or button no problem, but then it's like it refuses to acknowledge my existence when I try. So frustrating!
Yes! I've noticed that with my microwave.
In 3 Mos.my Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
How Many Out There Have Parkinsonism? Do You Know The Difference Between Parkinsonism And Parkinson's?
I've Heard Of People Who Were Diagnosed With PD And Years Later Find Out It Wasn't. What Would You Do?