I really want to think all of you for your caring, compassion, encouragement, and words of wisdom. I take what all of you said to heart and I love you inspiring me to get my pencil and pen and ink out and start drawing again even if it’s a stick man deformed with a crooked body. I also appreciate the religious references. One thing I do want to mention is my view regarding worry. Sometime during the last year or two I came across something that seemed to make sense to me. It may be right it may be wrong, but it came down to praying for what you want and then don’t worry. Worry could possibly mean that you don’t trust that Jesus is
following through with what you prayed for. He listens and answers on his timeline and according to his way. One last thing. I went back and read my original note and just about cracked up at all of the mistakes that were in it. Among being 74 with ADHD, cognitive decline and dictating, I’m surprised that y’all could actually understand what I was trying to say.lol
I hope that all of you are doing as good as possible, and y’all have been wonderful as I said before.
Yes Nigel that's true 🤓
Often, the imperfection IS the beauty, rather than the flaw.
There is perfection in inperfection.
...vote for a political party and expect things to be any different?
Why Do So Many Members Mention Their Occupation & Qualifications In Their Stories? I Am Not Interested In What You Did But Who You ARE Now!!
I Had One .......
Does Anyone Use Sinemet Instead Of Carbidopa-Levo?