Anyone Else Get Nervous Very Easily With PD?
The least little thing sends my heart pounding legs shaking I never was so easily upset
Oh My To All Of You Above,
Wow, anxiety and shakes are the worse. I have total anxiety issues and do not have P.D. I have had anxiety issues my whole life. Not fun at all. The least little thing can get me either anxious or nervous. I am on Clonazepam to help with this but with my hub with his P.D. worsening it is starting to get to me more now. I need all the help I can get but mainly prayer so I can continue to take care of him. He needs help so much. Getting in and out of bed etc. I have a wheelchair now just in case he needs it. So hope you all had a good day today. You all are in my prayers on this site as I do believe in the power of prayer. The Lord bless and be with you all. Take care, BFN! Colleen❤️🌹🙏🤗📖😊
Yes, but it can get better.
I have been
Thinking about what you said and I went through the same thing a few months ago. I was pissed at everybody and I would even jump the gun and get angry over something I was taking out of context. I would and still do deal with anxiety too but their is a difference between controllable and uncontrollable anxiety. I wouldn’t sleep because something stressful beyond my control would keep me awake all night long.
I found that changing my PD meds and increasing even decreasing as well nothing worked until I weaned off my antidepressant and began taking another one that was labeled for PD. Meditation helps a lot with anxiety if you find it hard 5 minutes a day is a good start and you most likely will like how it makes you feel and want to do more at least that’s how it worked for me.
I will continue praying for you my friend! Blessings
Absolutely Tina. As a result, I've become a big fan of exercise, guided imagery and controlled breathing in order to delay adding more meds to my day. It's working great for me but really requires self discipline and developing new habits. In my case, it really is hard to teach this old dog new tricks but there is true benefits to learning these new tricks.
Do you or anyone on here suffer from severe dizziness??? Let me know and what script are you taking for it. Would appreciate any answers. My hub's Neuro dude just put him in dep something but am not sure it what it is like as he forgot to fill the script. Praying for all those in Florida and NC wow they are getting hit pretty hard. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Take care, BFN! That is if it is your Thanksgiving it is our's up here in Canada. Colleen❤️🙏🦃😬🤗😊
The ropinarol that I take for my tremors along with the tizanadine for my muscle relaxer helps me to sleep at night and during the day too, if I feel like taking a nap . Of you have tremors you should ask your Dr about it.
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