Do You Or Your Loved One Follow A Specific Diet To Help With Parkinson's?
We are retired, but tend to eat more for a diabetic as my husband is diabetic. I have cut out most of my sweets as that was interfering with the way i felt after i ate them. I have lost 35 lbs since being diagnosed with PD. We are trying to avoid too much salt as I have hbp. Mostly eat veggies, a little protein and avoid lots of carbs. Protein does affect your medications if you eat it too soon before or after you take your meds. We also take vitamins D,E,Fish oil, Glucosamine,daily vitamins, as well as Preservision and COQ10.
I recently went to a dietician and she gave me some excellent resources. “Parkinson’s Diease: Nutrition Matters” put out by National Parkinson Foundation. This is very good. It details the interaction between protein and levodopa, suggestions on how to handle constpation, why you need to drink water, and other subjects including menu suggestions and recipes.
The other is “Good Nutrition and Parkinson’s Disease” this is put out by American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc. This is also a very good resource. It goes through the role of carbohydrates in the diet, how to figure the amount of protein you need. The roles of fiber, vitamins and micronutrients are all covered. It also has recipes.
It's a challenge to keep weight on... I'm in my 5th year have lost 20 pounds..since this nightmare begañ have been trying to gain weight..with no luck.
I'm eating the Mediterranean diet lots of fruits,vgetables
Am experiencing pain in my calves and thighs. I'm on the treadmill every day for 1-2 miles...
Anyone else experiencing "stiffness"?
A good sense of humor is always necessary.
No, I have no diet whatsoever. At some point, I draw a line from doing physical therapy exercises every day, seeing a home health nurse , doing your occupational therapy exercises daily. I’m going to enjoy something and that is eating what I want including chocolate.
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