Ayone Familiar With LSVT P0-ysical Theropoy? If So, How Is It Working For You?
My husband does this and it seems helpful
I do the loud speech therapy and I love it my wife is always saying she can't hear me
My husband did both, at different times. The physical therapist was great. The voice therapist wasn't as good. They are very intensive, 4 days a week, for four weeks, plus practice at home. Unfortunately, he hasn't kept up the practice so has lost a lot of the benefit. They do help.
Are you asking about the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) for physical therapy?
LSVT is a specialized therapy that can help people with Parkinson's disease. There are two main types
- LSVT LOUD: Focuses on increasing speech volume and can also improve facial movements.
- LSVT BIG: Aims to improve motor skills and Show Full Answer
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Hi Everyone I Need Help. I’m Looking For Good Physical Therapist Occupational Therapist Of Speech Therapy To Treat Parkinson’s In Suffolk Co