I There Anyone That Can Be An Expert Witness On The Role Stress Plays In Getting Pakinsons Disease?
In my experience, stress is less of a cause, and more of an exacerbating factor.
I was going along wondering what was wrong with me when I got a new supervisor. My job performance had dropped, so my supervisor started sending me daily e-mails detailing everything I should be doing.
The more I attempted to do the more confused I got. My stress level went up considerably. This just fed on itself. By the time he finally fired me I was having stage 4 symptoms. Once I was away from the stressful situation, and doing Rock Steady Boxing, my symptoms returned to stage 1.
While the context provided does not specify expert witnesses on the role stress plays in getting Parkinson's disease, it does mention Dr. Gray, who has experience working with many patients at different phases and stages of Parkinson's disease. Dr. Gray discusses how stress evolves over time and the importance of ongoing Show Full Answer
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