Is It True If You Have A Datscan And It's Normal, You Don't Have Parkinson's?
My husband just met with neurologist and she said since your test came back normal you don't have Parkinson's but he had a stroke 2 months ago and 2 neurologist in hospital asked about his tremor a nd looking over him,they said he had Parkinson's. Every dr that was involved with him asked about his Parkinson's every symptom they saw said it was Parkinson's. So very confused !
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - If your husband had a stroke, he could have Vascular Parkinsonism.
A normal DaTscan does not necessarily rule out Parkinson's disease. While DaTscans can help in diagnosing Parkinson's by showing the dopamine transporter levels in the brain, they are more useful for ruling out other conditions rather than confirming Parkinson's. Diagnosis typically involves a combination of medical Show Full Answer
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