How You’re Day?
I have not really been diagnosed with it
I added you to my team
It took a while for me to be diagnosed. I have had tremors for many years.then 2 years ago I had numerous falls. My PCP sent me to physical therapy to help with balance. As I was coming to the end of my individual treatment, the physical therapist told me about a group that was specifically for Parkinson’s patients. My tremors were getting worse and I had started getting severe “cramps” in various muscle groups. When I had my annual physical my PCP recommended I see a neurologist. That got me the diagnosis.
My whole point is that it may take time and there is such a thing as “Parkisonlike” symptoms which may, or may not, lead ,eventually, to a Parkinson’s diagnosis.
Is PD Neuron And Movement Disorder Specialist The Same Thing? Do We Need To See Both?
I Am Care Giver For Myspouse, So I Think I Am In The Wrong Place.
I Will Be Part Of A Team Representing The PD Community On Capitol Hill On Feb 28th. Do You Have A Question We Can Formulate ? Nik Roberts