Is Constipation A Symptom Of Parkinson’s
It can be and the meds can aggravate it, too. My HWP takes a shot of Milk of Magnesia and Miralax every day to help, plus a magnesium supplement at bed time.
Our faithful friend AI jumps in with all you need to know except to say it's a pain in the back side but she wouldn't know about that now would she ? I take a sachet of Laxido at roughly the same time each day, then get on with my chocolate, jam donuts, cake, Ice cream, alcoholic trifle and other deserts 😋😂
Yes, constipation is a common symptom of Parkinson’s disease. It often appears before motor symptoms and can be an ongoing issue throughout the disease. Symptoms of constipation may include:
- Not having a bowel movement for days
- Bloating
- Straining to poop
- Not feeling done after pooping
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