What’s The Difference Between A Diagnosis Of Mild And Moderate PD
Mild is rubbish, moderate is a bit more rubbish 😄😄😄😄
DanRubalcaba It kind of is my movement doctor said she doesn't like to go by stages because sometimes they can be misleading take for instance if someone is in a wheelchair and has Parkinson's they will put that person at more advanced and the wheelchair might not even be related to Parkinson's. Some doctors are different than others.
Mild is early stage Moderate is more advanced
The difference between a diagnosis of mild and moderate Parkinson's disease (PD) lies in the progression and severity of symptoms:
- Mild PD: Symptoms are generally mild and may not significantly impact daily activities. Common symptoms include slight tremors, minor changes in posture, and subtle movement difficulties. At Show Full Answer
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