Yes, I Do . My Husband Has Had Parkinson's Disease For 8 Years Now I Would Like To Know, How Will He Die? What Will Happen, What Is Next?
Sorry to say there are no definitive answers. For every person it is different. We just can’t say. I wish we could. You don’t die of Parkinson’s, that is not what goes on the death certificate, it can be complications of, but there are such a variety of things it could be. I see your frustration in your words, but by the time someone usually dies that belongs to this site, they do not visit it anymore or do not discuss the cause.
I do not know. But I wish i knew,My Dr.will not talk about it.
Please answer the question,,,,,what will happen next: IN 2018 my husband was diagnosed. Gil now 88 needs help with almost everything. How will this end??? How will he die????? No one will tell us ....I know other wives want to know PLEASE tell us . We have been married 59 years now, HOW WILL THIS END??????
I’m so sorry. I wish I had answers for you. I’m in the same boat. HWP was diagnosed in 2018 after having symptoms for at least the 4-5 years prior. Talk to his doctors about the specifics, especially movement disorder specialist. For me, getting myself a great therapist helps with the anxiety of the future. Sending hugs your way.
Parkinson's doesn't usually kill, except from bad falls or aspirational pneumonia. Other health conditions or just old age are more likely to cause the death of someone with PD. Your husband may survive for many more years, depending on his current age and health issues.
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