As A Person With PD I Am Worried That I Will Have Hallucinations. What Might Be Some Signs That This May Happen?
some methods of reducing the chances of hallucinations include getting good sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercise and adjusting medication with a doctor's input -
"It might be surprising to learn that 20 to 30 percent of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) will experience visual hallucinations. While typically not a symptom of PD itself, they can develop as a result to a change in PD medication or as a symptom of an unrelated infection or illness. It is important to know the signs of hallucinations and how to manage them. "
Hallucinations in Parkinson's disease can manifest in various ways. Here are some signs to watch for:
- Visual Hallucinations: Seeing things that aren't there, often in peripheral vision or in low-light situations. Common examples include seeing animals or people
- Auditory Hallucinations: Hearing sounds or voices that Show Full Answer
Hallucinations When Waking Up. On No Medicine. Is This Normal For PD?
Bob Seeing & Talking To People. Also Having Arguments With Them. Gave Someone Some Money. Didn’t Want To Go To Bed Because 5 People In There
OK - I Admit That We Have Hallucinations & Delusions. What Are Your Favorite Hallucinations/delusions?