Who Else Doesn't Do Excersizes?
Courtesy of my local Parkinson's group, I may have found a form of exercise I can enjoy. It's some form of Philippine martial art - not Escrima, another one - but it basically comes down to hitting people with sticks.
The older I get the more I feel the need to apply this to various people. Politicians feature highly, as do journalists and broadcasters.
So far it's just practice swings with rolled up paper...but crikey I can get enthusiastic depending on who has irritated me most on the morning TV...
If any exorcist can exorcize this stupid, embarrassing, frustrating, humiliating, discouraging, lousy, rotten, stinking "disease", I'll pay a premium for the service. By the way, in case I hadn't made it clear: Parkinson's SUCKS like a fleet of Electroluxes.👿
I have started buying celery for snacking. The intention was to have a healthy snack.
Then I looked at the calories in the sour cream and chive dip I dipped them in. Ok, so it's a snack.
Don't be replying with any of your "there are low fat options" unless you can tell me it cures Parkinson's and I'll live to be 100.
Don't gulp air when you drink. Chills I wear thin clothing. Layers of easy to remove clothing is better for regulating body temp. Sweats I have a small hand held fan USB rechargeable from Amazon. Really good! Extreme nausea a bucket! Kidding, what about adjusting meds? Anyway don't take my word for it, ask your quack. I'm just the cleaner...
Exercise is known to slow down progression of Parkinson's. It's up to you whether or not you do it, but why wouldn't you do something that can make such a big difference in your life?
Being active counts as exercise. Just move, any way you can. Get help if it's too hard. Physical therapy or seated classes can get you to the point of being able to do more.
Is It Normal For A Parkinson Person To Say Things Like No One Loves Her?
Does Anybody Else Feel That Parkinson's Has Put Them In A Train On A Downhill Slope, And Nothing Is Going To Even Slow It Down?
Who Else Sometimes Question Their Sanity?