Does Anyone Else Have A Lung Condition That Makes Exercise Difficult? I Have Bronchiectasis. What Has Worked For You?
I also have trouble breathing, my doctor met with me and noticed I have very shallow breathing. She has suggested that I exercise deep breathing 4-6 count in and 6-8 count on exhale. It is helping me considerably.
I have asthma so I walk in the Northgate Mall or at the YMCA on a treadmill, the Saharan dust or mold gets to me .
My husband has sarcoidoses which sounds a lot like what you have Theresa Baker 2
I have hypercapnia, a condition which most closely resembles COPD but which is not caused by by smoking, mold exposure, or any other lung injury. I retain CO2 which leaves less room for oxygen. Unfortunately the condition continues to worsen and I’m already to the point of it becoming difficult to finish a sentence without gasping for air several times.
I am really sorry to hear that @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. My friend died of that. The two may have similarities but they are different. My first realization of something wrong was Flash pulmonary edema with dyspnea. In ER I thought it odd the doctor sat beside me until my granddaughter was suddenly there. She’s and EMT and stayed with me until I was transferred to a bigger hospital. I was was critical but had no clue. But the pulmonologist explained my muscles outside my lungs were restricting the intake of oxygen as well as pushing the CO2 out,.it has continued to worsen.
I'm Guessing That This Has Been Ask Before. Does PD Cause Death?
Who Else Doesn't Do Excersizes?
Does Anyone Else Get Discouraged With The Loss Of Athletic Performance, Posture, Etc As Their PD Declines?