What Type Of Exercise Do You Do For Your Parkinsons,
I would like to hear from you all as to what form of exercise you do, walking, gym, floor exercises at home etc etc.
The DHR neurotherapy place on 10th is made for us, plus a Parkensons meeting once a month.
They start me doing stretches for about 15 minutes, then a combination of light exercise with exercise for balance. I feel good when I leave. If you do PT, you need this place.
VA sends me there. Check with VA or your insurance.
I have read accounts of the benefits that the Rock Steady Boxing program provides to people with Parkinson's. Here is an overview of what is involved. There is boxing but as part of this program there is an exercise routine that goes with the program.
Exercise bike, outside bike swimming,walking ,small weights stretching
Play pickle ball, table tennis, paddle tennis, bocce and walk 30 mins every other day,golf once a week 4 person team
Hi Laura, I go to the YMCA to a class called Delay the Disease. We work on balance, core muscles, and strength.
Are There Specific Exercises PD Patients Should Do?
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