What Is The Prognosis For Parkinsonism?
My MSA got somewhat better once I was taken off Depakote. The tremor left after 2 weeks and in 6 months people were asking what I did to make my hair so thick and shiny. Not all drugs will allow such obvious reversal and certainly nothing can be done for symptoms of MSA, however the MSA wasn’t so obvious until the drug was fully out of my system. I think you likely have hope for at least some improvement. Hang in there and keep moving .
Where's the auto answer thing when you need it
Teresa I appreciate your mention of Depakote. I was a caregiver for a developmentally disable young woman who has taken Depakote for years and I think she is now having some symptoms as a result but she needed to take it for seizure control.
Drug-induced parkinsonism: Everything to know
Drug induced Parkinsonism can often be reversed if the drug is discontinued. Sometimes you can't discontinue though because it is the only drug that works for you. Most often, according to an article I read, the symptoms don't progress if you do continue the drugs. So you probably won't get worse symptoms if you continue your meds, they just won't get better.
I Recently Stopped Taking Carbidopa/levodopa And Ropinirole, And My Facial And Foot Spasms Have Stopped. Am I Just Kidding Myself?
How Many Out There Have Parkinsonism? Do You Know The Difference Between Parkinsonism And Parkinson's?
The Doctor Diagnosed My Husband With Parkinsonism? Does Anyone Else Have That?