Has Anyone Else Heard About The Correlation Of Gut Health And Parkinson?
I think there has been some research about vitamin B1 helping a little.
As for gut health, I have also heard this and I have also read about ultra processed food could actually be the cause of Parkinson’s. Such as diet soda I also have read about how diet soda could speed up Parkinson’s progress.
Maybe I should stop reading before I can’t eat things anymore
I believe the link with the biome is widely accepted and very probable
I was reading an article this morning about this which said that PWP may be lacking B2 and B7 (biotin and riboflavin). https://www.sciencealert.com/parkinsons-link-to...
Pi said there's a growing body of research that suggests a link between gut health and Parkinson's disease. 🤔🧬 The idea is that certain types of gut bacteria may contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress, which in turn may increase a person's risk for developing Parkinson's.
In fact, some studies have shown that people with Parkinson's tend to have an altered gut microbiome compared to those without the disease. And researchers are investigating the potential benefits of probiotics and other gut-health interventions for Parkinson's patients.
Good question
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