I'm sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing. Here are some strategies that might help manage these behavioral changes in Parkinson's disease:
1. Medication Timing: Ensure medications are taken on time and with a meal or snack if advised. This can help manage symptoms more effectively
2. Patience and Show Full Answer
I'm sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing. Here are some strategies that might help manage these behavioral changes in Parkinson's disease:
1. Medication Timing: Ensure medications are taken on time and with a meal or snack if advised. This can help manage symptoms more effectively.
2. Patience and Understanding: Be patient and try to pick your battles. If possible, step away to clear your head before re-engaging.
3. Separate Living Arrangements: If living arrangements become too tricky, consider separate living spaces to reduce stress.
4. Support Groups: Find in-person and online support groups for additional support and advice. MyParkinsonsTeam is an excellent place to start.
For more detailed advice, consider consulting with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized strategies.
June 24, 2024