Do You Take Your Carbidopa/levodopa (or Any Form Of The Levodopa) By Itself Or Do You Combine It With Other Medicines?
Does taking it with other medicines interfere with its absorption? It was recommended to me to take it alone and I am struggling to remember to take so many pills in a a day even with alarms, reminders, notes, signs etc!
I take everything, except the C/L, at bedtime. My phone is set to tell me when to take the C/L. I keep them in a pill bottle I set up at bedtime, and keep in my pocket.
My husband usually takes his c/l separately, not because of drug interactions but because some of his other meds need to be taken with meals. Carbidopa needs to be taken at a different time than any protein, and he usually gets some protein with his meals. The only time he takes his c/l with other meds is if he forgets to take his 9 pm pills, in which case he'll take them at bedtime with all his other nighttime meds.
This is looking at all the meds trying to keep up
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member Thank you. Me too. And then we schedule meals around the c/l too. 😝 okay- Where is @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member when we need him? I want one of his quirky comments or memes right about now.
10 [[treatment:levodopa/carbidopa:55d534f51fcaa397470006dd]] 25-100 Mg, 3 Entacapone 200mg, 1 carbidopa:50-200 CR Mg. daily.
Rytary/ Carvadopa/levadopa
I Am Just About To Start Carbidopa Levidopa.
If The Carbidopa Levadopa Doesn’t Seem To Be Working What Meds Is Next