Does Anyone Take Creon? A Pancreas Enzyme Therapy?
Does the C/L digest OK with out Creon? I am worried about side effects. Are you OK without it Kim?
I take my carbi/levodopa at least an hour before I eat to avoid interactions with protein, which slows down the absorption of the drugs.
Hi Colleen597, I had non-stop diarrhea for a month. Every day. 2 years ago I had it and was hospitalized. My potassium was very low. It took 4 days to stop the diarrhea and they didn't know what caused it. Jump forward to now. Same thing. So a substitute Doc for me, decided to check my pancreas. Bingo!!! It is super low on enzyme Elastase-1. So I've just started Treatment. I hope there will be no diarrhea in the next few weeks. That will mean the Treatment is going to work. I don't like any of this. I also just started C/L. I'm doing the best I can. I feel like I can conquer the meds and exercise.
Pancreatitis is awful! Terrible gut pain, diarrhea that is bright yellow (!), and nausea. I was in hospital a week with it. Hope I never have again. All they did was give me morphine for pain and let me sleep a lot. My husband had early stage Parkinson’s and was home alone. I kept telling the Dr that he was by himself and needed help. They did nothing. My husband drove (!) and took care of himself and the dog. He got stopped 3 times for erratic driving, by the same policeman, yet they did nothing to help him. I was so sick and didn’t know who to call. A neighbor looked in on him once but she said he was talking so crazy she was afraid to go see him again. I told the Dr to let me go home. He did. That was early in his PD and I didn’t have the team to help that I have now. But I also fault the hospital for not listening and helping me.
What were your symptoms of pancreatitis?
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