Repeating Sign In Over & Over.
I never have trouble signing in. I use email address, password, & facial recognition & I’m in. The last few days it lets me in, but after 2-3 min puts me back at sign in. Over & Over again. It is aggravating & I have to just get off MPT since it just keeps happening. PLEASE FIX PROBLEM. My sign in is correct & it lets me in only to throw me back after minutes. Disgusted.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member Hello Eric. Thank you for reply. Today I have another question. I have the MPT app on my iPhone. It didn’t automatically go to my iPad. How do I get it on my iPad. In the tutorial on navigating the site they mentioned adding the app to a second device by going to the bottom of a page and there is something to click on to add it to a 2nd device. The only thing I found clicking on the logo was things like copying it, opening on an another tab, & etc. Nothing about adding it to another device. I sent a question in and they responded saying they would get back to me as soon as possible. I thought you might be able to help me. It’s somewhat easier to type on my iPad because of tremors. It is hard on my phone. I was still having to sign in every few minutes after I cleaned my cache with the Apple Cleaner Kit. But Wes told me to use the app and I probably would have the problem which I didn’t, but I really need it on my iPad. I would appreciate your help since it is Saturday and my question might not be answered until after the weekend. Thank you so much.
Why change password when it is correct & facial recognition allows me into MPT. My sign in info is correct. The program interrupts my message & sends me back to sign in & it lets me in again
I solved the problem about putting the PD App that I have on my iPhone onto my iPad. Les gave me some info I got on my iPad & using Safari instead of Google. I went to an email from MPT using Safari, pulled it up. I found a little box with arrow coming out the top & it provided choices of what you want to do. I hit add icon to Home Screen then hit Add & looked & it was now on my iPad. So excited. Now I don’t know how to leave the page that I wrote the message on. Tried everything. On my iPhone there is “ email” or “ back to email” in the left top corner & you are back to all emails. iPad doesn’t have that option to go back to all my emails. How do I leave that page I wrote & sent a message from. Stuck on it. Please help if you can. Thank you.
Carol 😊
Hi @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member thanks for sharing your concerns. Sorry to hear you've been having trouble accessing your account.
There are different ways to clear your cookies and caches depending on your web browser and device that is being used. Unfortunately, I don't know this information based on what you've shared thus far. So I recommend Googling how to do so depending on these two factors and following the steps in the help articles.
If you need additional help please let me know and I'll have our Support Team reach out to you directly via email.
That's terrible 😕
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