What Time Of The Day Do You Feel Your Best?
I feel best when I first wake up in the morning. After about an hour I start going downhill.
Stupid AI that has never had Parkinson's.
I’ve posted this before but it’s one I wrote for everyone on this site
I always feel very tired in the morning even after 5 hours or more sleep
Being frustrated with AI can drive you nuts. So sing (or howl) your frustration out!!
Since I am already diagnosed as mentally ill, I feel liberated enough to howl and scream to my heart's content without giving two hoots what anyone else thinks!!! 😂😂😂
I feel best after I recharge, either overnight or after a midday nap before dinner about 2-4hrs. Everything is exhausting and unfortunately that's 1 thing DBS can't fix.
Vascular Parkinsonismo
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I Have Vascular Parkinsonism