You Don't Have A Health Care Team And No Access
No primary care doctor, no specialist (can't get one without referral from primary doctor) no special programs to help, no easy access to any help. (All info tells you to talk to your health care team). Lots of good advice but pretty much useless.
Here in NB you have to have a primary care doctor before you can get the information. Your primary care doctor is the one who can find out that information.
It's a circle: you need a primary care doctor first (hence the waiting list which is controlled by the provincial medical authorities- I'm on a waiting list that's currently has about 70,000 people waiting). When/if you get a primary care doctor then a referral has to be sent to the appropriate doctor, then another wait till you get an appointment. Here in NB you can't just call and ask a doctor to take you as a patient.😢
You're in Canada, I think. Is there a social services department you can call for assistance?
You need to get a primary care doctor. I have both a primary care and a neurologist. Yes, I was referred to the Neurologist by my primary care doctor. My insurance covers both, even when my Neurologist wants to see me every 6 months.
This is the most senseless system I've heard of, and that in a first world country!!!
In general most white South Africans believe the country is going down the drain. Some of the remarks / stories you guys share is busy changing my opinion on that rapidly.
I Already asked that question: the answer is no because primary care doctors are controlled by different provincial medical authorities.
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