What Is The Worst Thing That People Can Say To Someone With Parkinson's? What Are Some Of The Irritating Things That People Have Said To You
I am so tired of people who say take this take that or that their brother had The shakes, this helped him
I'm sick to death of it. I'm tired of people saying well it can't be that bad I'm tired of people saying well you don't need to keep going to all these different doctors. I'm fed up with people trying to give me medical advice. I have surrounded myself with people that I trust my MDS my physical therapist and my psychiatrist. If I trust someone that can help me I will do whatever they say… read more
I’m sure people talk behind my back, but no one has ever said anything to my face.
People fear how quickly I can make them look like a fool. I’m not cruel, I just ask them questions they can not answer. They realize they are in no position to be giving advice.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member Hello Linda my name is Carol. I just read your post & it just tears at my heart. We don’t expect family members to doubt that we really have Parkinson’s, judge us according to their perception, & are accusatory about the changes that occur with PD including our ability to speak clearly. I think family can hurt us more than any other when we need their support, encouragement, & help. If they would take the time to learn about PD it would alleviate the pain their rush to judgement & their doubts cause you. I would pray & ask God to open their eyes to see the truth about all of this. Don’t allow their behavior to cause you resentment & bitterness which will only hurt you. When someone hurts us we don’t want to or can’t forgive them, but we can choose to forgive them every time it comes to your mind. Forgiveness is not a matter of feelings, it is saying Lord I choose to forgive in spite of my feelings. I will keep you in my prayers & don’t forget that all of us here at MPT love you & you are important to us. ❤️😘
You don't look like you have Parkinson and I say show me what I should look like
You have every reason to be angry, but you should take some deep breaths and move past it. You’ll be the one who suffers if you don’t.
Dale, it is normally an intelligent person that can show people so easily just how big fools they are. You don't suffer fools gladly, don't you?
Life is too short to waste time on fools. Especially those who are fools because of their own ignorance.
How Many Out There Have Parkinsonism? Do You Know The Difference Between Parkinsonism And Parkinson's?
In 3 Mos.my Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
Can Anyone Enlighten Me On The Term Parkinsons Plus Please?