Does Anybody Else Feel That Parkinson's Has Put Them In A Train On A Downhill Slope, And Nothing Is Going To Even Slow It Down?
Bear in mind that I also have a bi-polar disorder, and this might just be the depression talking.
I have no intention to live 1 hour longer with Parkinson's than I have to. So why excersize, go on healthy diets, have "normal" sleeping patterns or worry about the reactions of other people?
The Parkinson's isn't going to go away, doesn't matter what I do and I don't want to prolong the misery.
I have learned to focus on this moment and make it my best
I hear you. But we have to keep going and trying to slow the progression of the symptoms. I am trying to do this by exercising regularly and eating healthily. I am not giving up at the moment and I would encourage you not too either. 🙂
PD is a battle. We have to be somewhat optomistic even on bad days. I agree with you FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT....
Strangely I find realism comforting. I have no time for "you'll be alright". I have things in place for when it truly becomes unbearable...but that is not yet.
I still feel joy.
On a sunny day.
When I meet a cat.
Or better, a dog.
If I can help a friend.
Or make a new one.
At a good movie.
Or a favourite song.
The one thing I need to feel all those things, is just to be alive. But the one thing I fear, is that I'll get to my "enough" point and be incapable of ending it. I do so wish my country was more progressive so that this decision did NOT require international travel to make legally. When the time comes I'd like it to be in as controlled a way as possible, not a method borne of desperation and lack of options.
Lani, I also have a difficult time hitting the right keys but have hope of setting up voice commands and other AI. Believe me, there are many things you can still do that will bring you pleasure in this age of technological miracles.
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