What Pain Medication Is Best For Parkinson Pain
I say anything that works
Boy but I could use a good answer to this today. Pain not normally my problem but today feels like someone ripping my left shoulder blade off with a crowbar. Comes and goes with meds cycle (ldopa etc) so definitely Parkinson's, but at its peak normal paracetamol or ibuprofen do nothing.
My husband takes morphine and hydrocodone for pain. He has also had 3 back surgeries.
Magnesium! Chappy
My doctor in hospice has me on a potent pain med because it also helps me breathe. I’m in stage. 5 and there age meds I just dontfistmm
Does Anyone Post DBS Surgery Have Extremely Sensitive "zinging" Feeling At The Wire Site Behind Ear And In Neck,almost Painfil Tingling?
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Does Anyone Have Any Exercises To Keep The Face From Feeling Frozen?