How Long On Average Does It Take To Get From Stage 1 To Stage 3?
That would really vary for each individual, depending on their age when diagnosed, other health concerns, activity level, stress, etc. Also, a lot of people don't get diagnosed until they are at stage 3, when the symptoms start to impact their lives.
Ginny Owen - good answer
Some health habits seem to be helpful in slowing progression in some individuals such as diet and exercise
"Studies show that making targeted nutrition the mainstay of your meals may slow Parkinson's disease (PD) advancement. Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet has many benefits."
It basically based up on the personal individual and the Lord. Chappy
That was one of the first questions I was going to ask is were you exposed to Agent Orange. I have read that the VA gives some consideration to people who were exposed to Agent Orange but I am wondering what they are doing that is over and above what they would do for any veteran with Parkinson's. What was your health professional job and had you seen other people who had Parkinson's due to Agent Orange exposure. Other than my husband I have only known two people who had Parkinson's and one of them was in Vietnam and had exposure to Agent Orange. The other was a friend's dad who was in World War 2 in the Phillipines so unknown what exposures he had. Hope Biosciences is doing a clinical trial in Sugarland, Texas and my husband was in the trial however he ended up being in the placebo group but now he is getting infusions of his own stem cells and he is having improvement - if you are interested in this I can give you the contact information.
Can Anyone Tell Me What Brand Of C B D Oil To Consider And Where Can I Purchase It?
Can Overdoing Exercise Cause Symptoms To Flare?
Anyone In A State Where Medicinal Cannabis Is Available? Anyone Tried/trying It And If So, What Kind Of Results Are You Getting? Oms Sage.