Has Anyone Experienced Dementia Following DBS Surgery?
I've had DBS About 7/8yrs ago & I've had no problems I do forget things I going to say at times but when U sit & think about it it normally comes back I would recommend a DBS for any one who is contemplating having it. If you read my story You will see that I had the op done Twice.
JeanneS, In answer to your dementia question, I had to have a battery of tests with & without medication including a neuropsychological test in order to become eligible for DBSsurgery. That was in 2023. I recently had another neropsych exam one year after surgery. Any questions should be directed to your hospital team of drs. I hope that was helpful. HelaineS
My Husband Recently Had DBS Which Resulted In Almost Three Months Of Dementia And Delusions. It Is Finally Cleared And He Is Back To Normal.
Has Any One Had Or Know Of Someone That Has A DBS ….I’m Scheduled For One And Would Like For Some One If Any To Share Of Their Experience
Deep Brain Stimulation?