Would You Be Able To Answer This?
This is the UK government's official site for a consultation on proposed changes to our PIP (Personal Independence Payment - a disability benefit) system. The DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) want to reform it, replacing the current cash benefit with either vouchers, or a repayment system (so you pay for your need first, then claim it back later)
There were claims originally that this would reduce fraudulent applications...until it was revealed the level of fraud was estimated at between… read more
Not at all. The phrase “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” exists for a reason.
The stupid thing is, their suggested fix (replace cash with vouchers) will add more in admin costs than it can ever save.
I've written to charitable organizations asking that they set up an advocacy team. Srt. Jude and others have good models but the concept needs to be established for comlex, chronic diseases. I'll keep trying.
That is the point. If they make things complicated, fewer people will apply for reimbursement so the government saves money. Never mind that the most vulnerable are screwed.
Ok...my contact preferred that I share the links to the events they are arranging...
The Fit Note Survey
Disability Support Reform
Info on the pages should provide sufficient explanation.
Would You Be Able To Walk Without Your Meds?
I Have Developed Droop Neck I Do Neck Exercise But Little Improvement I Have Very Short Walking Distance. I Am 77 And Have 13 Years Diagnos
Has Anyone Had A Rash Taking Azilect