I Have A Question If You Have Noticed People Treating You In A Special Way As Being Different Than You Were Before Your Diagnosis.
Some folks are concerned and feel badly about my Parkinson. Others are not interested. It takes all kinds.
No not really Teresa, I was nuts from the beginning ๐ ๐๐ฎ๐
Everyone close to me "look out" for me. They show their love and concern for me, at a practical level by taking me to doctors a 100km away.
I think people had trouble hearing me. They slowly froze me out of conversations. After taking speech Therapy I began to ask people to tell me if they could not hear me. My confidence has also improved and I have speech exercise daily on line with Parkinson Voice Project.
Some friends and family members try to baby me. They tell me to watch my step and don't eat tis or that. They are kind but right now I know my limitations and am careful.
I Have Developed Droop Neck I Do Neck Exercise But Little Improvement I Have Very Short Walking Distance. I Am 77 And Have 13 Years Diagnos
Anyone Else ?
Looking For A Comfortable Bed. Any Suggestions?