When Are The Best Times To Take Levodopa
I think it would depend on each person. I take it at 6am and every 5 hours after. I found it helps me get around meal times. I also don’t eat 2 hours before or 1 hour after and definitely no protein during those windows.
I take 2 tablets on a 8 hr. interval. 6am, 2pm, and 10pm. Seems to work well. Doesn’t seem to matter if I’m late sometimes if I get buy.
I was taking them every 5 hours and felt a little bit uneasy. I went to my neurologist and asked to increase the level. She mentioned that many people have trouble with every 5 hours as the medicine has only 4 hour effective period.
Initially I tried (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators),2000:]]. It was far better but in reality there were days waking up before 0800 or after....Now after waking I try to take one on wake up and then every 4 hours. If I am going to be out for the day the pills come with!
Rytary/ Carvadopa/levadopa
I Am Just About To Start Carbidopa Levidopa.
Does Anyone Take Something Other Than Levodopa And If So What Are Your Side Effects ?