My Husband Suffers From Delusions, Thinking His Teeth Are Falling Out, Things Are Going Through His Lips, Etc. What Can I Do For Him?
So sorry my mother had similar issues with delusions and hallucinations. I just tried to comfort her and be there for her. Medications likely
Caused them
I have started to see bugs. π Fortunately I don't freak about them...I lived in Hawaii for many years. I hate rats!!!!! But bugs don't bug me π
I keep seeing cats walking around but not if I look directly at them also sometimes it feels like they are on my bed π.
Continous Delusions But NOT Paranoid Or Jjeolousy
I Often Distrust People I Love, And Find I Don't Believe What They Tell Me. Does That Qualify As A Delusion?
Extreme Paranoia As Side Effect Of Carbidopa?