Does Anyone Have Scoliosis And/or Tightness Mid Thorax And Back? PD Strikes Again. Please Share Your Experience With Similar Symptoms.
I have almost daily severe pain in the thromboid muscle are on my left side. It starts usually mid day and lasts several hours. My PT said that muscle is pinching my nerve. If I take extra strength Tylenol it helps for maybe 1-1.5 hrs then the pain returns. Every couple of days I take 1 Gabapentin 100mg that works much better.
Hi Phyllis,
My husband has scoliosis causing him to lean to the left. He has advanced parkinson's. Physical therapy helped to relieve his symptoms for about 2 years. His neurologist is now recommending Deep Brain Stimulation to relieve his imbalance which is causing him to fall. His specialists believe this surgery will offer him a lot of benefit.
Big an Loud physical therapy is specially designed to strengthen the muscles that control swallowing, talking, breathing. Ask your neurologist about this.
Best of luck to you as you find the solution for your symptoms. Jeannine Chambers
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