Are There Many Of You That Go Thru Hallucinations Or Delusions? I Can Think Back To My Mom In The Early 80's. She Thought Someone Was After
her with an axe. Dr. Told us she had mini strokes. She was diagnosed with PD later. She was fine when my husband was home. He'd go back to work and she saw these people again. He'd come home & she was fine. What would cause this?
I apparently had one mini Stroke. They caught it after one. I passed out in a Dunkin Donuts, due to low blood sugar, and ended up in the hospital. They found evidence of an old stroke.
I haven’t noticed any effects since.
I also have had mini strokes and seemed like things got crazy after
I Often Distrust People I Love, And Find I Don't Believe What They Tell Me. Does That Qualify As A Delusion?
OK - I Admit That We Have Hallucinations & Delusions. What Are Your Favorite Hallucinations/delusions?
So If Delusional Behavior Is Common In People With PD, What If It's Really Happening And How Will You Know?