Should I Encourage (strongly) That My Husband Get More Exercise? He Has Exercises To Do From The PT, But Says He's Too Tired. Seems Weaker.
I often do not have the energy or ability to exercise. However I did take BIG PT for PD I found a 2 volume "LSVT BIG Homework Helper" on Amazon. Many of the exercises are moderate and some sitting.
I do dishes dishwasher enter and exit Them and put them up in the cabinets. Helps my wife out to she works still..
If you can, yes. I've found it works best if I say, "Let's do this together." My husband dislikes exercise for exercise sake, but he does like to do things around the house or camper, so he gets some movement. But he won't go downstairs and ride the bike or do his Big exercises unless we do it together.
I'm having trouble with that and my mom also. She graduated from PT about a month ago and has a membership to a group PT center. But we are trying to finish her apartment addition to my house and she gets so down when the contractor isn't there working. I think it's mainly depression. But I know (and she does too) that she will feel so much better if she exercises.
How Can I Encourage My Husband To Exercise?
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