Do People Realize That.we Have Good Days And Bad. Life With PD Changes Us.
i have to say i agree with each and every answer i have seen here to Susan's question. i am my wife Linda's caregiver and i have been for 18 years. she sure does have bad and good days for sure and people who know her very well know exactly what the problems are that she has because they have been friends of ours for many years. new people we meet who don't know Linda has PD are shocked when they find out she has Parkinson's. one of the first things they say is she doesn't have the shakes. i say you must mean she doesn't have tremors and they ask what tremors are. like i said she sure does have good and bad days but somehow she deals with the bad days very well. i am so happy she is able to hang in there and she still does the things she likes to do. i think her doing the things she likes to do make her bad days much better than they might be if she did not want to do things. it's amazing how many people we come in contact with who have no idea what PD is and i guess if people never deal with people who have Parkinson's they will have a lot of ignorance about what Parkinson's is and what it can do to not only to the person with Parkinson's but also what it does to other members of their family, and what it does to a caregiver who deals with Parkinson's 24 hours a day 7 days a week. i am sorry i went on like this but i just want all of you to know i do understand all that everyone of you is saying. God bless all of you 🙏🙏 and stay strong 💪 and hang in there.👍
Thanks to each of you who answered this question. Your insights help me so much as my husband’s care giver. David never complains about anything or shares anything about how he is feeling physically or emotionally. He is just getting over pneumonia but never said anything about feeling bad or being short of breath etc. I simply observed that he was coughing and more tired than usual. I feel badly that at first I just attributed his cough to sinus drainage or allergies. So I took him to see his regular Doctor. I’m beginning to realize that he likely doesn’t know how to verbalize his needs. This is indeed a multifaceted disease and that makes it hard to understand. Just when you think you’ve made some progress something else shows up.
I find it's the time of the day that varies my condition/how l'm feeling and each day is similar
My most challenging time is between 7-8pm at night. Lex
I think they know, but I think they don't understand what that means. Each bad dsy for me varies widely , as do my good days too
At every opportunity I try to explain PD and how it affects me (including the concept of good days and bad) to my relatives and close friends, and I believe they have a reasonable understanding. I have also told them I am always happy to answer questions. I don't get many however as I think they probably feel a bit uncomfortable in doing so, and I can understand them feeling that way.
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