Shortness Of Breath Is That Common In Parkinson’s ?
I have shortness of breath caused by my meds says the Dr
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member—First, if you notice any new/different symptoms, PLEASE see your MDS or neurologist ASAP! I experienced shortness of breath . I did not relate it to PD initially, but I mentioned it in passing to my neurologist. She scheduled several respiratory tests to rule out any other health problems. She put me on Trelegy, which normally is used for COPD, but she has had success with it when prescribed for patients with PD
Here is a good article that explains possible causes of shortness of breath and PD:
Hope this helps!
Carol I have severe dyspnea for now Omni’s whipc no expected Easter es
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
What you described sounds really difficult to live with. I don’t think I have ever heard of that condition. If I understood correctly, this happens in your off times. You might ask your doctor if he thinks
extended release Carbidopa /Levodopa might help.I hope you can find some relief. Blessings.
@ TheresaBaker2
Theresa, you know you & I are like laughing hyenas. It comes from upbringing. 😆🙈
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