Too Tired To Eat
You ever find that you're too tired to eat? Or that it's just too much of a bother?
I Hate cooking! But I like to eat, so I must
Yes, the fatigue with this disease is terrible
Yes, especially when it took me 2 hours to cook a meal that used to only take 20 minutes. I keep working at eating the meal although it often takes me an hour to eat a meal that used to only take 10 minutes. And by then I am too tired to clean up, which makes the next meal harder to prepare.
I agree with you Phil 100%. It's hard to turn down a bowl of chocolate mint ice cream. Or any ice cream for that matter. As we talk about it I'm craving a Reese's blizzard at Dairy Queen. In case you don't have dairy Queen in the UK it's worth the trip over here for their ice cream.
My heart aches for you, David๐ข
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