Does Vaping Marijuana Help With Anyone's Pain Except Mine? It Relaxes Muscles, Mind, And Takes Away Pain For Several Hours.
I must use my Walker and be extra mindful of balance and my son worries about my lungs
because I frequently get
Pneumonia But I got pneumonia way before I started vaping. And it has not stopped since I quit vaping. I stopped driving as soon as I was diagnosed
And really have no way.
To get more cartridges.
Unless I ask a friend. I also find CBD oil very soothing on my knees which sometimes become extra painful. I am interested in hearing from some other vapers out there. It can also change a… read more
Monique since I am unable to go to the dispensary myself. Because I cannot drive and no longer have identifications. I must depend on others to choose the kind. But I always ask for the indica
Of some brand and have never been dis.Appointed.I guess you just have to try some and find out what works for you. Again?I like indica the because it keeps me mellow and doesn't give me the jitters Just relief.
Many like Sativa because It
energizes them but I want to
Relax and feel mellow or better yet, feel nothing for awhile. Best to.just get a small amount of several kinds an see what works for you and the results you are seeking. Good luck on one that meets your needs
Please stay in touch And let me know what you decide Best for you
Please don't drive until you know how you are affected. Also having a friend with you is a good idea. Happy vaping.
I realized vaping isn't
for everyone but for me it ends my pain which in turn eases my anxiety. Some it makes me nap but that is a good way to relax also. Different things help everyone but vaping helps me cut way back on narcotic pain meds which I don't like
Good luck to everyone in findings the the best solution for you.
I used to eat chocolate infused with thc on a regular basis. I don't like vaping because of the issues you mentioned. My lungs would feel "thick" every time I vaped. The chocolate helped with stomach pain as well as muscle pain. The problem was, in my case anyway, it produced more and more anxiety over time. I found an excellent probiotic that has eliminated my stomach issues and found that playing virtual reality games like beat saber really improved my focus and speed, and balance, as well as leg strength . The constant gentle but repetitive movement also stopped my joint and back issues as well. As a result I haven't used thc in some time and honestly don't miss it. I'm 73 and was a real mess at one point not long after dx at 70. Balance, focus, brain fog, foot dragging, back and muscle pain, gut issues etc, have all done a 180 since I found other methods to help but it was an uphill battle for sometime there while I looked for new and different ways to help, reading all I could and using myself as a Guinea pig. I walk normally now, forced myself to leave my cane at home, and drive again, and haven't had to up my dose of c/l in well over a year. Although I do have to say we all do have our off days and I'm no different in that respect . We all have to find what works best for us, and if vaping makes your days better then I think that's great. I just put my unasked for 2 cents in to say there are other methods and remedies to help.
No but I am considering it. 40 years ago I didn’t like it because it made me paranoid. What/how should I start. It’s legal in Missouri. My pain is getting worse. I have had arthritis and that’s what it feels like but in lower back, knees, hips. I also have trouble sleeping. I don’t want anything that would cause anxiety. What do you suggest?
I haven't smoked pot in many years.
Does Anyone Post DBS Surgery Have Extremely Sensitive "zinging" Feeling At The Wire Site Behind Ear And In Neck,almost Painfil Tingling?
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