I've Always Been Soft Spoken Even As Child And Before My Diagnosis I Always Have To Speak Up To Be Heard
I have been to months of speech therapy. What I learned was , there is no cure for Parkinson’s loss of voice. But there is a method to recover what’s been lost. It’s called “talk with intent”. Be aware of your voice depletion and consciously speak louder and more aggressive and with improved pronunciation. It’s a conscience effort to make your voice heard. To others it is hardly noticed that you struggle to speak.
It works. I can now add that to my list of intentions. My intent to walk upright, intent to step out,intent to chew food, intent to blink, intent to remember , intent to write legible and my intent to live a long live with PD
Beach therapy I'm in ....😁
My voice is not much softer, but I am always hoarse sometimes worst than others and when it gets bad and aches they said not to talk to use hand signals. The worst part is I can’t sing at church, I sound like a bullfrog.🐸😖
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
“He was a good friend of mine. I couldn’t understand a word he said, but I helped him drink his wine, & he always had some mighty fine wine.”singing Joy to the World” Hahahahaha!
I was the same.
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